Independently developing and safe environment for a child
Allowing a child to operate freely is the foundation of Montessori pedagogy. The children themselves choose what to do at a given moment. Freedom of choice is more the goal of Montessori pedagogy than the means. Until the child makes a choice, the parents make a long and careful preparation, providing a safe environment and age-appropriate developmental materials. These can be pasta, rice, chestnuts, flour, bulk products, water, bowls, spoons, pots, etc. In Montessori pedagogy, the child develops the most important skills - the ability to concentrate and the ability to learn independently. The child chooses the rhythm of work and the duration of the activity, whether he wants to work alone or with others, or wants to participate in daily activities or play. Free choice in children creates discipline. Parents are an assistant in the development of an independent personality. They work patiently with the child and use clear materials and support the child when needed. Montessori pedagogy is based on the following principles: · The child is perceived as a full-fledged person and personality. · The needs of the child are developed, giving the child space to choose freely and to think and act independently. · The child is given the opportunity to keep track of their learning abilities, as it is known that children do not want to learn anything, but certain skills at a certain time. · Children are taught how to overcome difficulties rather than avoid them.